File picture: Zambia Police Service in action

Police in Luanshya have arrested two traditional healers after their treatment formula allegedly went wrong and led to the death of a 67-year-old man living at the old people’s home.

The two healers, Nicholas Kayombo, 76, and Moses Chikopo, 44, are said to have tattooed and administered unknown traditional medicines on John Malama, who had suffered from swollen legs for over 10 years.

Copperbelt police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba said this happened at Chibote Old People’s Home in Luanshya.

It was reported that after the two healers administered their medication on Mr Malama at the old people’s home, located in Twashuka, he started bleeding heavily on both legs.

The caretaker at Chibote, Rhoda Mutale, reported the matter to the police.

“Rhoda Mutale reported for work around 07:30 hours and found the 12 elderly members all fine though each with their own health challenges and started her morning cleaning work and preparing breakfast for them,” Mr Mweemba said.

While working, Ms Mutale saw one of the healers coming from one of the rooms and got concerned. She then went into the room where she found Mr Malama bleeding from his legs. When the caretaker questioned him, he told her that he called healers to do some tattoos on his legs, hence the bleeding.

“Shocked at the bleeding, the caretaker followed the person she saw and later came to be known as Moses Chikopo,” Mr Mweemba said.

“She questioned what he was doing and he responded that he was with another older man and that they went to treat the victim. “The two then located the other healer, Nicholas Kayombo, who confirmed the purpose of their visit.”

When the caretaker and two suspects went back to the home, they found the victim still bleeding badly.

They then decided to clean him, and while doing so, the Catholic nun in charge, Sister Charity, arrived.

Mr Mweemba added that upon seeing him, the nun took him into a vehicle and rushed him to hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

He said police have since detained Mr Kayombo and Mr Chikopo, who made the tattoos and administered the unknown herbal medicine on the deceased.

Zambia Daily Mail