
ON March 24, 2025 at 02:00 hours Linda Police Station received a report of rape from a 28-year-old female. She reported that she was raped by three (03) male persons whom she can identify. The victim sustained pain in her genitals, a headache, and general body pains. This incident occurred on March 23, 2025 at approximately 21:30 hours at Zambia Railways Compound, near Windsor Bar, in Livingstone.

Brief facts of the matter are that on March 23, 2025 at approximately 21:30 hours, the victim was returning from a funeral in the DNC area of Dambwa North. Upon reaching Mosi-Oa-Tunya Square Mall, near the traffic lights, she boarded a taxi heading to Linda Compound, in which three unknown men were also passengers. Upon reaching Windsor Bar at Zambia Railways Compound, the driver stopped the vehicle and informed the passengers that he needed to buy something from the bar.

A few minutes later, the driver returned, stood by the front seat where the victim was sitting, and ordered her to step out of the vehicle. When she resisted, the driver forcefully pulled her out, dragged her into a nearby bush opposite Windsor Bar, and began to assault her. He then ordered her to remove her clothes, overpowered her, and raped her. A few minutes later, the other two male passengers who had remained in the car joined in and took turns raping her. After the assault, the suspects fled the scene, taking with them her them her cellphone, valued at K1,800.

The severe beating and sexual assault left the victim unconscious. She regained consciousness around 01:30 hours and managed to gather strength to reach the roadside. There, she was spotted by a 35-year-old man of Dambwa Central Township, a driver at Beehive Bar and Restaurant, who was dropping off his co-workers. He assisted her by taking her to Linda Police Station, where she lodged a complaint. Linda Police issued her a medical report form and escorted her to Linda Clinic, where she received medical attention.

A docket of case has been opened and investigations into the matter are ongoing. No arrests have been made yet. The motor vehicle used by the suspects has not yet been identified.
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