435 persons perish in road accidents – Police

Rae Hamoonga

By Francis Chipalo

A total of 435 persons lost their lives in Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) in the first quarter of this year, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga has disclosed.

And Hamoonga stated that 8,523 accidents were recorded countrywide during the same quarter, with Lusaka province getting the highest number at 4,906, whilst Northern province recorded the least RTAs at 172.

In comparison with last year’s first quarter which recorded 7,628 accidents, Hamoonga revealed that the statistics indicates an increase of 895.

He added that most of the RTAs recorded in the quarter occured in highways.

Meanwhile, Hamoonga regretted the issue of hit and run accidents which were on the increase and a matter of concern.

“Most of the accidents recorded in the first quarter of 2024 were attributed to human error, such as, misjudging distance, excessive speed, overtaking improperly and failing to keep to nearside lane”.

Hamoonga disclosed the statistics in a statement issued to the media.