5 Medical Reasons Why A Lady May Cry After Intercourse


The general expectation is that following a satisfactory, consensual intimacy, people will feel relaxed, content, or happy.

However, some report feeling sad, teary, irritated, or agitated. This is a condition called post-coital tristesse (PCT).

This article examines its possible causes and management tips.

According to Medical News Today, a person may cry after intimacy for several reasons. Some of these include the following:

Depression: One study found that “current psychological distress” was the variable most strongly associated with PCT.
People with depression, which was the most common mental health condition the participants reported, were more likely to experience PCT.

Anxiety: this can be a response to the release of physical tension or s£xual performance anxiety.
One study found that anxiety about s£xual performance affects around 6–16% of women and 9–25% of men.

Triggering: intercourse, and org@sm in particular, can make people feel much more exposed and vulnerable than they usually might.
This may mean that people are more susceptible to memories of difficult or traumatic experiences.

People may not even be conscious of such memories before they start responding to them emotionally.

Physical discomfort: pain can also cause a person to cry after sex.
Dyspareunia is the medical term for pain during sex. This condition affects around 7.5% of women aged 16–74 during vaginal penetration.

Hormones: org@sm causes the levels of dopamine and oxytocin, which cause pleasurable feelings, to drop.
A drop in these hormones can therefore give rise to PCT.

Relationship problems: crying after s£x is not necessarily a sign of trouble in a relationship, but this could be a factor in PCT.
For many couples, the best way to handle this is to talk about it. Couples counseling can provide all partners with support and guidance as they navigate these issues.

PCT is a sudden and often unexplained feeling of sadness, irritation, or anxiety, and it iis not rare.

In fact, it affects a significant amount of s£xually healthy adults.

Counseling, therapy, and sometimes medications can help people manage PCT. If this happens to you frequently, ensure to talk to a doctor or therapist.