Chef 187 Defends Macky 2 After Nasty C’s Viral Interview Clip


South African HipHop artiste Nasty C was in Zambia for a show over the weekend and stirred some social media buzz for what he said in an Interview. The rapper who was performing at East Park Mall was asked backstage by Power TV Presenter “Edna” if he has ever heard of Macky 2 of which he denied with astonishment.

This part of the interview clip has since gone viral with many people throwing shade at Dj Bugar’s popularity. This prompted Chef 187 to come to the aid of his big brother in an attempt to save the day.

According to Chef 187, the Interviewer should have instead asked Nasty C if he knows the Zambian Nasty D who has been in the game since the SA Protege was born.

– zedhypemag