

By Flavior Kanungo

Police in Mumbwa and Mwansabombwe are investigating circumstances surrounding the death of three people after consuming Gold Blend whisky and Nikolai Vodka.

Police spokesperson person Rae Hamoonga explains that two of the deceased are from Mumbwa and another one from Mwansabombwe.

This was after Mumbwa police Station received a report from Pali Mabika aged 53 of Nalusanga Village in Mulendema Chiefdom of Mumbwa District who reported that his niece Mwelwa Musa aged 14 of Lubemba Village in Mulendema Chiefdom of Mumbwa District died after consuming a Gold blend whisky on July 4,2022 around 19:00 hours.

Mr Hamoonga says the incident happened when the now deceased who was with a female friend aged 19 met five male persons aged 26,31,23 and the duo 20 who resides within the neighbourhood enroute to watch traditional dances called “Vinyau” within Lubemba village.

“On the way, one male among them bought a bottle of whisky in a bar Upon arrival at the main arena for the dances all of them drunk the whisky using one cup in turns, later all of them got drunk and the two girls started vomiting while the males had headache and stomach pains and walked to their respective homes with struggles,”Mr Hamoonga said.

“Thereafter the condition of Mwelwa Musa worsened and was taken to Mumbwa District hospital where she died around 08:50 hours on July 5, 2022 and at around 21:00 hours Willie Shambuluma aged 26 who was among them also died at Mumbwa hospital after severe vomiting and having lost sight.

Meanwhile the other five victims went to the hospital and are currently on medication while their condition is said to be stable.

In a related development on July 6,2022 at around 14:00 hours Mwansabombwe Police Station received a phone call from Sydney Simanga age 31 an Environmental district health officer for Mwansabombwe who reported that Elady Chifwembe aged 31 of Lusaka John Laing compound an electrician working with Zambezi steel company based in Lusaka,had been admitted at Kazembe rural health center on grounds that he had been feeling dizzy and experiencing sudden blindness after consuming a Nikolai Vodka.

He further stated that Cosmas Lungu aged 28 an employee subcontracted by Verols company who are constructing a district hospital in Mwansabombwe died on July 5,2022 around 12:00 hours at Mbereshi Mission Hospital, after a referral from Kazembe clinic who also complained having sadden blindness, dizziness and loss of appetite.

Police went to Kazembe clinic and interviewed Elady Chifwembe who explained that on Monday July4,2022 Cosmas lungu aged 28 of house number 354/23 of Mpatamato of Luanshya District in Copperbelt now the deceased with Elady Chifwembe (the surviving victim )bought three Nikolai vodka from Tasheni mini store in mwansabombwe which they had consumed.

An inquiry file has been opened and the Nikolai vodka 750 Millilitres bottle has been confiscated by the health officers for further investigation as the sample will be brought to Lusaka for examination.

The Scoop Newspaper