In “I forgive you,” a smash hit by XYZ CEO Robert Chunga (Bobby East), Kopala Swag boss Mulaza Kaira (Macky 2) has seemingly forgiven Muzo AKA Alphonso for all he had said against him.
In the closing verse Macky2 has told the Kasama Swag rapper that he had a future amongst kings (Kopala Swag) but he just lost it.
“What we had is long gone I ain’t tryna save it but I forgive you even though you don’t deserve it , I forgive olo sunakambe sorry , coz right now am trying to find God and his glory .
You even mentioned my wife, what the hell were you thinking… You had a future amongst kings then you just lost it, these are just lines you don’t cross and you just crossed it.” He raps.
Even though Macky 2 has in the recent past tried to brush off the pain in the butt (Muzo), in the above lines, Macky 2 pours out his heart about how Muzo trash talked and his wife (Hantinga).
“Now I can’t trust you Nkalalumbilafye apatali , consider this a promotion ufunyepo nechikali…I never hold grudges and neither do I hate.” He raps on.
In as much as the song is entitled “I forgive you,” Macky 2 might have forgiven the Kasama Swag rapper turned singer, but he just can’t forget the rumors Muzo peddled about him sleeping with Hantinga , and how the Kopala Swag King allegedly snatched her from him .
In shutting down his verse he raps …“Maybe you were young olo lyalifye libange , lesafye ewingeshiba ayacinefye amapange , I hope the guilt you feel can finally leave you…Look in the mirror , tell yourself I FORGIVE YOU, coz me I do , I really do… I FORGIVE YOU!”