Increase Emergency Contraception price – SHAMOBA


I’m pleading with the government to raise the cost of the morning after pill (Emergency contraception) from K15 per pill to K200 per pill in order to reduce the danger of STIs.

I’ve learned that more women and men are sharing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like food since emergency contraception are being used more frequently at schools, universities, and housing complexes.

Nowadays, everyone wants to have direct sex as long as they are in a relationship and are unaware of their friend’s health. This year, sti’s has rapidly expanded in four provinces: Lusaka, Chipata, Southern, and Copperbelt.

What is morning after pill?(Emergency contraception) is a birth control measure, used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. There are different forms of EC.

Periods: ECP may disrupt next menstrual period by a couple of days. IUDs may make menstruation heavier and more painful

Risks: The side effects for these medications are similar and usually last a day or two at most. They may include: Belly pain and cramping. Breast tenderness

Clinic review: Consider need for STI screening and ongoing birth control needs. There is no type of contraceptive pill – including the morning after pill – that can prevent STIs.

In conclusion, Offering the morning after pill free over the counter has not reduced the number of teenage pregnancies and may be associated with a rise in sexually-transmitted diseases (STIs). STI’s are also spread by emergency contraception tablets on the market… It is preferable to go pricey so that condom use can rise and lives are put out of danger in Zambia.


Private journalist