
…..You betray the poor by lying to them, stealing from them, ukubanyunya, ukubagong’a, ukubateka nensala_ – Dr Fred M’membe*

RUFUNSA… Sunday, March 24, 2024

When we talk about betrayal today, it is not necessarily about Judas Iscariot of that time, but it is Judas Iscariot of today, leader of the opposition Socialist Party (SP) Fred M’membe has alerted citizens.

*Speaking when he joined parishioners to commemorate Palm Sunday at St Joseph Catholic Church, Mpansya Parish in Rusunsa District of Lusaka Province today, Dr M’membe said the Judas Iscariot of today is the one who betrays the poor.*

He explained that one betrays the poor by lying and stealing from them.

“The Priest talked about betrayal. Today we are much more concerned about the betrayal of Christ. It happened, over 2000 years ago. But the betrayal of Christ is still happening today. He who betrays the poor betrays Christ,” he said.

“Today Christ is with us here, much more with us through the poor. Because the poor were very close to his heart, to his mission. So, when we talk about betrayal today, it is not necessarily about Judas Iscariot of that time, but it is Judas Iscariot of today and the Judas Iscariot of today is the one who betrays the poor. How do you betray the poor? You betray the poor by lying to them, stealing from them, ukubanyunya, ukubagong’a, ukubateka nensala, ukubateka mubupinda, mubuchushi, eh betrayal iyiliko.”

He also shared with the parishioners that from the sermon, he drew a lesson on humility.

“I have been a catholic for 65 years. Even the vice president who I am with here has also been catholic for 65 years. I have not come to preach; I have come to be preached to. And from the preaching that went on today I have leant two things. The first one, the priest said Jesus has humility. The second lesson is betrayal,” he said.

“When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he didn’t enter with a horse. He entered on a donkey. A donkey is not a very respected animal, although it does a lot of work for us. That was humility. We lined up today, we walked with palms in our hands. Those palms were there to receive Christ. We will not receive Christ the way they received him in Jerusalem. But we receive Christ in our hearts. And that is the essence of palm Sunday, in my view. Let Christ dwell in our hearts. Let Christ be in our hearts and in all the works of our hands.”

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