Zambia police officer shoots dead teenager in Ndola


By Chembe Mbale

A Ndola Police officer has been detained for the alleged shooting to death of an 18 year boy of Mushili township.

Inspector SILILO INYAMBO is alleged to have shot dead KENNEDY ZULU of Mushili Township and two others who are nursing injuries in Hospital.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner PEACEWELL MWEEMBA says ABIGAIL KAPASA aged 15 sustained a bullet wound on the buttocks while LEVI MUSONDA aged 22 sustained gunshot wounds on the right thigh.

Inspector INYAMBO is alleged to have opened fire during a commotion at Mushili market which occurred yesterday.

Mr. MWEEMBA explained that the incident happened when Police officers confronted a Mushili business woman identified as CHILESHE KAFULA aged 33 who was offloading bags of mealie meal from a light truck But in the process members of the community around the
market took advantage and ransacked the mealie meal from the truck.

He said the situation erupted into a riot which forced police to fire warning shots to try and calm the situation, leading to the shooting of the victims.


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