“Police are under instructions to arrest me” cries Edgar Lungu

File Picture: President Hakainde Hichilema and former president Edgar Lungu greet each other. Photo by Chellah Tukuta | State House

Fellow Citizens,

Yesterday, I received disturbing information, indicating that the Zambia Police Service has opened 25 dockets against me based on formal complaints from UPND members in Lusaka. To that effect, the police are under instructions to arrest me in the dark of the night any day by surprise!

My question is, why is President Hakainde Hichilema and the Zambia Police Inspector General planning and mobilizing to ambush me at night, abduct, embarrass, and forcefully detain me like a hardcore criminal?

Where is the respect for the office of the former President in Zambia today if a sitting president can endorse a malicious ambush and barbaric arrest of a former head of state in the fashion l hear?

Wouldn’t issuing a police call-out suffice as per legal procedure? What is the motivation and goal behind this night ambush at my residence on me? Why this disrespect of the law and the office of former president?

Since transitioning to being a former Head of State of this country, I have been subjected to numerous unconstitutional actions by the state, from being barred from my simple morning workouts to being denied the right to travel, and now to being prevented from moving and making courtesy calls to anyone. I am practically under “house arrest” for no reason.

My appeal is straightforward! “Call me, and I will make myself available any day, any time during daylight hours.”

As far as I am aware, I have not committed any crime that would warrant the government, through the police, to start scheming against me in this manner.

I am deeply concerned about President Hichilema’s disregard for the “Rule of Law” and “Constitutional Democratic Values” by weaponizing law enforcement agencies against law-abiding citizens who criticize his leadership and governance. Please, let us defend our peace, democracy and constitution!

May God bless Zambia.

Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth Republican President of Zambia.