Jay Jay named in Mukula case

Jay Jay Banda

FUGITIVE Petauke Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel Jay Banda has been named as one of the owners of the 10 containers laden with mukula logs, which the State seized in 2019.

A magistrate heard that a judge, through a consent judgment, later ordered that the impounded timber be given back to the owners, among them Mr Banda.

The court also heard that the State was ordered to pay over US$2 million compensation to a company which sued it over seizure of mukula logs.

This is in a case businessman Ackson Tembo, of Lusaka’s Forest SOS, is charged with theft.

It is alleged that between September 6 and 30, 2021, Tembo allegedly stole 10 mukula containers worth US$6,060,000 belonging to Berto Bacara Pascoal.

Zambia Daily Mail