Fire destroys Kitwe Teaching Hospital main kitchen


A FIRE has swept through the main kitchen of Kitwe Central Hospital leaving equipment completely damaged.

The fire is said to have started around 05:00 hours this morning when electricity was restored.

Hospital Senior Medical Superintendent Chileshe Mboni says kitchen staff forgot to switch off the electrical pots when power went off last night.

Dr. Mboni says the kitchen roof and the slab for the ward above have been affected leading to the evacuation of about 5 patients to other wards within the hospital.

He also explains that no casualties have been recorded in the inferno and that the value of the equipment damaged has not yet been established.

Dr. Mboni also disclosed that the fire had already been quenched by hospital staff using fire extinguishers at the time the fire brigade officers from Mopani Copper Mines arrived at the scene.

Credit: Phoenix News

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