By Dickson Jere
One of the teething problem facing our people in compounds is the constant arrest for Shishita or “idling” by the police. They pick them, detain them overnight and only release them upon payment of the admission of guilty fine the following day.
You see, under the UNIP rule, President Kenneth Kaunda imposed an indefinite State of Emergency. Under the emergency powers, the President promulgated various security measures, that included a declaration of a curfew. People were not allowed to move in the night but with special permits that were issued mainly to essential workers. The idea was to protect the country from unwarranted attacks by Ian Smith army of Southern Rhodesia that targeted Zambia. At times, even lights were to be switched off in homes at night so that the country is in total darknesses for the enemy fighter pilots to see where to drop bombs.
When the MMD and President Frederick Chiluba came into office in 1991, that indefinite State of Emergency was lifted. People were now free to move in the night. The purpose of which the curfew was declared under UNIP was no longer there. But then, crime also increased in some areas.
In order to curb crime, especially in high density areas, the police started using another provision in the Penal Code of the Laws of Zambia that prohibit people “idling” on the streets. They will arrest and detain them overnight. Sometimes, criminals were caught up in this dragnet and genuinely arrested for being in possession of stolen goods or instruments for breaking into homes. But more innocent people have also been caught up in this scheme of things.
Anyway, there is no law in Zambia at the moment that stops people from moving in the night. In fact, the contrary is true. The Constitution of Zambia guarantees freedom of movement. People must not be arrested nilly-willy for being found on the streets in the night. It is the explanation that the police must be interested in…how is it idling when someone is walking home from work?
Have you noticed that the victims are usually bar tenders and waiters who get caught up when they knock off late? And yet we talk about the need for 24 hour economy in Zambia?
And why is this “idling” arrest only for the walkers? Those with cars can drive anytime time of the night without being arrested? Are suspected criminals only those walking? Surely, when someone says he works at such and such place, a benefit of doubt can be given, including phoning the boss…Infact, the police should provide security for such workers instead of throwing them in filthy cells!
Let our people GO!