South Africans shocked by Prophet Bushiri asking followers for money during lockdown

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has received flack on social media for a video in which he is seen telling his followers to pay tithes and offerings. Image: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri via Facebook

Social media has reacted with shock to controversial Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s video in which he tells his followers to pay their tithes and offerings.

“You are saying it’s a ‘Sunday and I cannot go without my offering’. There’s a church account I’m putting on the screen right now,” Bushiri says in the 27-second video, which is trending on Twitter.
Banking details of the church are seen appearing on the video, as Bushiri implores his followers to give their offerings.

“I want you to put your offering in the church account. Put your seed, put your tithe, don’t hesitate. Don’t listen to the devil. Don’t listen to what people say. Don’t listen to what your mind says. Listen to what God says…”

Twitter users were shocked when they believed he said, “Don’t listen to what your men say”.

“Did he say don’t listen to what your man is saying?,” asked @Queen_Pardo.

@vittomohlanka tweeted, “”A whole prophet says you shouldn’t listen to your husband, yet the husband is the head of the house according to the Bible… this one doesn’t have compassion. We’re in a middle of a crisis, economy-wise but he’s still milking people.”

Source: TimesLive

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