Donald Trump Sends Envoy to Buy Novel by Zambian Writer


United States President Donald Trump has dispatched an envoy to Zambia who has has been tasked to buy novels ‘TUKIYA, the run away teen wife’ by young Zambian journalist David Kashiki.

President Trump heard about the published novel through social media and was attracted to the synopsis of the novel which he now so much desires to read.

“…She learnt her date had arrived after noticing blood stains on her bed. On realizing this, she quickly looked for a chitenge (wrapper) and started ripping it apart for use on her essential part. Hearing the tattering sound, Tsarina rushed to the bedroom, and found Tukiya preparing to strap her essential in a piece of cloth…” reads an excerpt from TUKIYA, a book to grace the Library of Congress in the US.

According to information made available to Zed Gossip, the Library of Congress (US) envoy, Najima Sheikh this morning got copies of the The Runaway Teen Wife.

The books will now be dispatched to the World’s largest Library, a development which has excited the author who said God’s Purpose Will Never Be Derailed no matter what man attempts to do!

Kashiki is a Zambian author who previously worked for The Post Newspaper as a photo journalist and has to date authored ‘Bare Breasts: The Untold Story of a Zambian Journalist and Tukiya: The Run Away Teen Wife.

The novels are currently on sale countrywide in selected book stores while the author delivers autographed copies ordered on 0954-587-364.