
…….as police reveal how Amos Dubeka used an unknown tool to behead a 16-year-old juvenile
Lusaka, Wednesday, March 10, 2021 (Smart Eagles)

Police in Lusaka have arrested a 31-year-old man for allegedly killing his 16-year-old female cousin.

Police spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo has identified the suspect as Amos Dubeka and said he beheaded his cousin using an unknown tool.

Mrs Katongo said in a statement issued to the media today that the head of the deceased was thrown in a pit latrine while the rest of the body was buried in a shallow grave.

She added that the suspect attempted to commit suicide by consuming some unknown noxious substance and was rushed to UTH where he was receiving treatment under police guard.

“A report was received from Male Dubeka Hambala, aged 65, of Dubeka farm off Mumbwa Road in Lusaka West that his granddaughter Joyce Dubeka aged 16 was murdered by Amos Dubeka aged 31, who is his cousin, by beheading her using unknown type of a weapon. The head was thrown in a pit latrine while the rest of the body was buried in a shallow grave,” she said.

Mrs Katongo further disclosed that the incident occurred on Sunday this week between 08:00 hours and 18:00 hours at Dubeka farm in Lusaka West.

“The suspect had allegedly attempted to commit suicide by consuming some unknown noxious substance and was rushed to UTH where he was receiving treatment under police guard and was later discharged, currently detained in police custody while the remains of the deceased person have been buried after postmortem. Investigations into the matter have continued,” she said.