Admiring naked girls lands man one month community service


Embattled Pethias Mwamba Mulenga, a Kasama businessman, who recently allegedly gazed at n@ked female pupils at a local boarding school for girls, has been slapped with a one-month community service sentence by the Kasama Magistrates Court.

When the matter came up for commencement of trial on Monday 22nd November 2021, the State applied before the Court to change the charge from indecent Curiosity to conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.

After the State reduced the charge, Pythias Mwamba Mulenga 36, of Mulenga Hills suburb pleaded guilty and asked for leniency, saying he will never indulge in such a vice.
And in response, Resident Magistrate, Samson Mumba, said he had considered the mitigation hence slapping him with a one-month community service sentence.

Pethias Mwamba Mulenga was arrested for allegedly gazing at naked girls who were bathing outside the ablution around 05:00 hours at Kasama Girls Secondary School on 4th November 2021.