Andy Banda steps down as STEVOS music manager


Stevo’s longest serving music manager Andy Banda, recently announced stepping down from managing the all-time Zambia’s sensational hip hop artist.

In an exclusive interview with ZED GOSSIP, Mr. Banda disclosed that contrary to some speculations on social media he decided to step down as Stevo’s music manager because he became committed to other engagements which could have affected managing the Guru Nation.

He says STEVO remains his close friend and together they have both come a long way.

“We are very much good terms, I’ve taken a more background role due to inconvenience. Our bond is still strong. Am happy that he’s now a bigger artist than he was. Saved Album will stand out as the biggest rap/hiphop debut album of our generation” he said.

He added “Am the first to promote an artist using music videos. It’s now a trend for most to video & audio at the same time”.

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