Bowman Lusambo sued over K228 000 debt

Bowman Lusambo

A CLOSE ally of Kabushi Member of Parliament, Bowman Lusambo has sued him in the Ndola High Court demanding K 228,000.

The K228,000 is money the law maker is alleged to have borrowed from his close friend, Clifford Kasonde in 2019 and also outstanding rentals and repair costs for a property in Ndola.

In a statement of claim filed in the Ndola High Court , Mr Kasonde allege that he and Mr Lusambo have been close acquaintances for quite some time.

Mr Kasonde said Mr Lusambo in or about December 2019 approached him to borrow the sum of K150,000 payable on or before June 2020.

He however said after Mr Lusambo failed to pay him, pledged to give him bare land belonging so as construct a shop and carry out his business.

Mr Kasonde further alleged that on or about the same time, the Kabushi law maker also requested to lease his property in Hillcrest extension, house number 8037 on behalf of a Susan Sambwe, his employee who was also attached to his political office as staff.

He said that at the time, Mr Lusambo’s employee and political agent was vacating Mr Kasonde’s property, she left outstanding rentals in the sum of K50,000 and caused damage to his property.

Mr Kasonde allege that he was made to incur costs of repairing the leased property to the tune of K28,000 and that Mr Lusambo was indebted to him to the total amount of K228,000, which he neglected.

He said despite numerous appeals to Mr Lusambo to settle the amount owed, his pleas had not been met with any positive action from Mr Lusambo.

“Because of the same, I have suffered financial stress and inconvenience,” he said.

Mr Kasonde further called on the court to order Mr Lusambo and compel him to immediately pay him.

And in a demand letter dated October 3, this year addressed to Mr Lusambo, Mr Kasonde reminded his friend to pay lawyer or risk being sued.

Zambia 365

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