…Encourages Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya to also divert a little bit in local language to get to communities.

The order by president Edgar Lungu to recruit more doctors and paramedics shows that government is committed to the fight and prevention of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country, Munali 2021 Parliamentary hopeful Chrispin Chiinda has said.

And Chiinda said daily COVID-19 updates by Government should be commended because communities were kept informed on the disease out break.

Speaking when he featured on Live Radio on Wednesday, Chiinda said being a community leader said members of the community appreciates the updates and the way the situation is been handled so far.

“The community also request that the minister divert a bit away from English and use local language for so that our mothers too understand fully without interpretation.

Mr. Chiinda has also paid tribute to Information Minister Dora Siliya who has been working alongside Dr Chilufya and encourages her ministry to utilize the public address systems to go round in the community and sensitize the public about COVID-19.

“Advise the communities on measures given by the minister of health to avoid the spread of COVID 19.

It is indeed an effort that is supposed to be complimented by all of us as it will be cheaper to avoid the disease than to treat it and therefore, the daily updates from the two ministers are commendeble,” Chiinda said.

“It is unimaginable and heart breaking to have a loved family member isolated in Hospital diagonized with COVID-19 and being told that you can’t visit your loved one is painful hence the need to avoid the spread of this disease,” Chiinda said.

Chiinda said it was important for the community to be sensitized fully with information on COVID-19.

He further appealed to members of the community to help government by spreading messages of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Government is doing it’s part so let us also do our part as citizens by sensitizing one another about this disease in our communities,” he added.

Chiinda also urged members of the community not to thrive on social media rumors about COVID-19.

“Let us learn to follow the official announcements from Government and avoid in believing in rumours on social media because most of it is fake,” he said.

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