Dad, son arrested over mobile agent murder

PEOPLE transacting at a mobile money booth in Petauke. PICTURES: JACK ZIMBA

WHILE the country is still waiting for the latest regarding the whereabouts of Pamela Chisumpa, police have arrested a 54-year-old man and his 27-year-old son for allegedly murdering a mobile money agent in Chipata.

Ms Chisumpa, a mobile money agent who was trading from Shoprite in the central business district of Lusaka, has been missing for over a month since being allegedly abducted.

But while there has not been much progress reported on that front, police yesterday disclosed the arrest of two suspects in connection with the murder of Emmanuel Nyirenda, who was working as a booth attendant in David Kaunda Township in Lusaka.

Police did not reveal the names of the suspects but the son is said to have even attended the burial of the deceased and even assisted in transporting.

Zambia Daily Mail