Defilement suspect bites cop during interrogation


THE knee of a female police officer in Gwembe has escaped the horror of being mistaken for michopo in the eyes of a teenage suspect who dug his teeth, digging them into her skin during interrogation of a defilement case.

Aside from the bite, 33-year-old Christabel Nasilele Muhali was given a meeting from 19 year-old defilement suspect Kellyson Hambayi whose anger is reported to have been ignited by the officers questions as she was conducting the interviews.

Hambayi, who will now be charged for defilement and assault was on Friday afternoon booked for an interview at the Gwembe Police Station Victim Support Unit with Constable for the offence of defilement.

But as interrogation reached the climax, the teenage suspect thought the constable’s questions became personal and got agitated, making him flare up losing his temper and leting his hands and teeth talk for him instead.

The young man managed to overpower the constable who was left in shock as the Hambayi pounced on her, unleashing punches on Constable Muhali.

When his hands could not punch any more, he ended up using his teeth to bite her on the right knee, leaving her with a bruised body.

Southern Province police commanding officer, Auxensio Daka confirmed the incident and said the matter was reported at the same police station.

“A medical form was issued for the Constable and the suspect was arrested,” said Daka.

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba August 20, 2024