Download Mp3+Video: Lil Dizzie – Ijoba Dizzie


Nigerian born award hiphop artist “Lil Dizzie” comes out exclusively international with his new song / video titled “IJOBA DIZZIE” produced by north Carolina, Usa producer “JFITTS” ; mixed & mastered by Mobeatz from Nigeria.

Lil Dizzie who usually infuses afro-rap styles with his hiphop music went straight out and came in totally different from his other genres of music ; Lil Dizzie bounced real hard on the Jfitts Trap Beat which he flowed easily maintaining his lyrics and punchlines.

With the video giving it a distinction, I can tell the idea and concept of this visual was perfectly well arranged and directed by Nigerian’s own born “Director YO” which was shot in Lagos, Nigeria.

This is yet another head – bumping song which you can easily move your body too and get along with the lyrical contents and rhymes. Enjoy this lovely, beautiful piece of art.
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