The European Union (EU)-funded project, “Strengthening the Respect for Environmental Rights (SR4ER),” has successfully trained Rights Holders in Serenje District, Central Province, on environmental rights.

Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) Executive Director Maggie Mwape, said the initiative represents a collaborative effort between HIVOS, CEJ, and the Zambia Institute of Environmental Management (ZIEM), with generous support from the European Union.

Ms Mwape emphasized that the overall goal of the project is to bring about positive changes to Zambia’s environmental rights landscape.

She said by empowering Civil Society Organisations and Rights Holders, the project aims to create a robust framework that ensures the protection and respect of environmental rights.

Ms Mwape said the three-year project is designed to enhance technical knowledge, lobby for improvement of environmental laws and policies, increase public awareness, and ensure accountability on environmental issues.

She expressed confidence that the efforts will foster a more informed and proactive community of environmental stewards.

“As Rights Holders, you play a vital role in exercising and upholding environmental rights in your communities. The training equips you with the necessary knowledge of environmental rights, relevant laws, and appropriate channels for reporting violations. By building capacity, the project aims to empower participants to identify issues, report effectively, and demand accountability from duty bearers,” she said.

Meanwhile, one of the Rights Holders, Harrison Kamfwa, believes that it is possible to create a Zambia where environmental rights are upheld for current and future generations.

Kamfwa emphasized that empowerment is crucial for holding duty-bearers accountable and driving positive change.