Fruit of the Mind


By: Generation Of Progressive Youth

Our world today is seen as a daily battlefield where man fights for a place to identify with. Whether man survives, or whether he is devoured is determined by his ability to conquer the first battle- the battle of his mind. We as the Generation of Progressive Youth (GOPY) believe that society exists as a mental health concept. It is for this reason that we take keen interest in the development of one’s mind by promoting a positive mental health and lifestyle. Such a man who has conquered this battle of the mind is Kukeng’a Mubita AKA Kuledre.

Born on the soils of Kalulushi, Zambia, Kukeng’a Mubita is a 22-year-old male who advocates for mental health. As a mind transformation agent, Kukeng’a has interacted with several youth to spread awareness on the power that lies in one’s mind. Raised in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, he has grown to embrace his identity and share how he conquered the battle of the identity crisis. Through various programs, Kukeng’a has contributed to the growth of a positive mental health amongst many young people. Inclusive to the programs he has undertaken is a recent online seminar with the GOPY where he shared his lived experience on embracing his true self.

‘’I may look different, talk different and dress differently. I stand for those that are less confident because the next guy or girl has a better shape or/of lifestyle. If I can be myself, why can’t you?’’ he says.

Over the past months, Kukeng’a has worked tirelessly to direct a new live broadcast show titled ‘Fruit of the mind.’ Fruit of the mind is a way to measure the inner ability of each individual to birth forth the outward appearance we call man. It also looks at what we display, whether we wear a mask or not
In demystifying subjectable fruits of the mind, we believe that we are the fruit of what we allow in our minds. Question to ask is; when man tastes his fruit, will it be sweet to his soul, or the rather?
Fruit of the mind means to let people know that the mind is a field that reproduces whatever is fed into it. It is centered around the mind because as a man thinks, so is he. Think you’re ugly, your dressing will become ugly, your attitude and maybe your behavior will reflect ugly.

Think you are rejected? This is what happens; you tend to withdraw from the crowd, you keep silent, you then despise yourself, and all this may lead to depression. When the act of depression is finished, then suicide may lie as the only way out.

The mind is an entity of information-processing processes. The mind forever processes that which is fed into it. Imagine if we control what we feed our minds. How much power will man display over his soul?
Just like the womb bears fruit, so does the mind. In the mind, after sowing thought, thoughts grow into a continuous stream of habit, then habit yields character, and character puts to bed a futuristic developable fruit of the mind- conscience.

If we assume character is the fruit of the mind; how is it that the seven billion people on the face of the earth have diversified characters?
Perhaps the answer lies in what we ingest our nestled minds! Compare a dead tree to a flourishing one. Apart from sunlight, in order to flourish, the tree needs minerals, salts and water. Say one tree is fed the necessary food, while the other subjected to fasting, it is obvious that the former tree will grow and blossom while the latter may not germinate from its husks. When one tree blossoms, it yields fruit. Fruit hereon may be termed as the product of the food we feed on.

It must be noted that fruit does not always sparkle and dazzle. Sometimes the fruit is contaminated or invaded by worms, hence, it rots. In comparison to the human mind, a good number of people may be fed with abuse, assault, fear, rejection and much more negative life experiences. Picture the fruit of such an individual. Their fruit may manifest as anger, withdrawal, un-forgiveness, depression or suicidal behavior. The third law of motion comes to play, “To every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.” To every word spoken, the recipient either gets hurt or built. Everything we see first existed in somebody’s mind as thought.

It is therefore imperative for the right intake to be our daily bread. That includes reading building books that target your particular area of interest for personal development, engaging in outdoor activities and the like. A healthy nation (mentally) is sure a progressive nation.