GUEST ARTICLE: Load shedding pa komboni


By Mwenya Mukuka

LOAD shedding mu Komboni poses a significant threat to small businesses. These enterprises especially those that heavily rely on consistent electricity supply to conduct daily operations.

In this wake of load shedding, productivity is taking a hit, resulting in loss of valuable time, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

In these hard times when the ‘Inkonomi’ is not good, now creamed with load shedding, we will see countless social effects. Bana Juju will not believe that ba Jose has not made any Zali to pay nkongole.

While in Marapodi, Bashi Gile will lie that the ka Salary has been cut because he didn’t work full hours due to load shedding. Actually, this is the time ba bwana should heighten night patrols, pantu ba guy mu Komboni now may take advantage of the situation.

And Ku Chalala ba Aunty will now stop getting nkuku pankongole fearing they would go bad, and the maid will now be subjected to eating veggies, kaili those eggs on top of the fridge are for Jayden or that baby girl carrying an American celebrity name.

On the other hand, ba guy will now have a story to feed ama Pizza munching slay queens. For example, your favorite Pizza spot is not open, they ran out of gas.

Also another ‘sitoli’: Mobile money agents are facing challenges in processing transactions, kaili no power to charge the phones. Owing someone; just switch off the phone, load shedding is your lawyer.

Load shedding imposes burdens on small businesses. Costs associated with alternative power sources such as generators or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) can strain limited budgets.

Repairing or replacing damaged equipment due to power surges during load shedding events adds to the financial strain.

This development however is an immediate symptom of climate change.

Extreme weather events have become more frequent and severe, resulting into increased strain on power grids, leading to more frequent disruptions like load shedding.
To address this, it’s crucial for everyone to take climate change seriously and participate in mitigation measures.

Taking part in efforts to lessen the effects of climate change can mean doing different things, like using renewable energy, using less energy, and supporting rules that cut down on gases that warm the Earth.

When we lower the amount of carbon we make, we can help make climate change less bad, and that can make power outages like load shedding not happen as much or be less serious.

Kalemba March 13, 2024