Guest Post: The last days of late DJ Boogie C


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READ the story of someone I personally knew.

By Rev. Walter Mwambazi

The Tragic end to one of Zambia’s finest DJs – Some Cardinal lessons on Substance Addiction

Boogie C (born Cholwe Mbawa) was one of Q-FMs most popular presenters and had a legion of followers that adored his voice and style seeing him busy most times and very popular in many night spots and events throughout any given year.

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Fast forward seven years and this young talented icon to many is found dead in an unfinished toilet in a township that turned out to have been his home for the last six months.

Many have blamed and called friends and relatives names for allowing this tragedy to befall him. That why couldn’t they have helped him and ensured he is safe?

It’s easy to throw blame on friends, family and work colleagues if you have never had a close relation who struggles with alcohol addiction. Very easy.

But I know better. And this story serves to show how terrible alcohol and substance abuse can be if not checked on. The most tragic part is that addiction is so terrible that when in its grips one cannot control any part of their lives.

Addiction causes those who suffer from it to do this and more

*Betray the trust of those closest to you by consistently breaking and letting them all down

*Live for the next drink, all else in life is secondary (family and responsibilities)

*Steal and commit crimes to raise money for a “fix”

*Fail to hold down any job or contract (inconsistent attendance and down right absenteeism too numerous to number)

There is a saying that addiction is like a bull in a glass factory, it destroys everything in its path.

This young man tragically betrayed and consistently destroyed every thread of assistance he got. In spite of being spoken to and assisted, he would soon be back to his drink – to the hurt of all related.

I have seen comments here suggest how evil and two faced friends and relatives are, but like I said, it’s easy to comment this way when you don’t have a relative who is an addict.

But when you do, then you immediately understand how it’s possible for someone of this caliber to die in such circumstances seemingly abandoned by all.

May this tragedy serve as a dangerous example of what happens when we can no longer control addiction. It destroys everyone and everything in one’s life.

PS: For those reading this who are currently struggling with any form of addiction, help is there, simply reach out to me and let’s see how we can assist you begin your journey to recovery.

PPS: When I first began sharing this write up years back, my own brother was an addict and a prayer item for all of his siblings and mother who deeply cared about his situation.

Thankfully, just over one year ago (March 2022), he reached that all important point in the life of addicts where he had had enough and wanted out. He then underwent rehab and today, he is 18 months sober!

We are so proud of him and never cease to thank God for his transformation. God knows he too could have ended up like Boogie C, another statistic on the dangers of alcohol!

Special credit goes to Sanity House and his sponsor Daniel Mbazima for the great work you did with our brother!
We shall always remain eternally grateful!