Hon Jack Mwiimbu Statement on Hon Jay Jay’s Disappearance Hypocritical – UKA


Hon Jack Mwiimbu Statement on Hon Jay Jay’s Disappearance Hypocritical

We find the statement by the Minister of Home Affairs, Hon Jack Mwiimbu issued today to be hypocritical, biased and half backed over Hon Jay Jay Banda’s disappearance.

Instead of assuring the Nation and Hon Banda’s relatives about Governments commitment to his safe return, the Minister went on a tirade to respond to citizens theories about the MP’s disappearance.

1. Where was Minister Mwiimbu when his counterpart Hon Garry Nkombo threatened Mambilima Member of Parliament, Hon Jean Chisanga?

2. Where was Minister Mwiimbu when another counterpart of his Hon Charles Milupi ordered their youth chairperson Mr. Gilbert Liswaniso to sort out perceived political opponents critical of President Hichilema?

3. Where was Minister Mwiimbu when his fellow senior party official Mr. Obvious Mwaliteta was insulting the former Republican President Edgar Lungu?

4. Where has been Minister Mwiimbu when his junior UPND party officials have been threatening physical violence against the 6th Republican President and anyone critical of the UPND Government?

5. Where is Minister Mwiimbu when UPND’s online media personnel based at State House are vomiting hate destroying people’s reputations including those of clergy just because they are powerful now.

Today, Hon Jack Mwiimbu wants to attack Hon Edith Nawakwi and Mr Brebner Changala publicly whom themselves have been on the the receiving end of UPND’s State sponsored intimidation, abuse, hate and brutality.

Minister Mwiimbu wants to appear sympathetic when just yesterday he instructed his officers to tear gas Jay Jay’s friends, wives and relatives who had gathered at twin palm police station to offer solidarity.

We demand Minister Mwiimbu to just bring Hon Jay Jay Banda safely back to his unconsoled family members and friends and avoid the failed political correctness.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA