Iris Kaingu shares first sermon a day after getting born again

Iris Kaingu

Iris Kaingu shares first sermon a day after getting born again

Zambian socialite Iris Kaingu has taken it to social media to share a sermon a day after announcing joining the United Church of Zambia.

In her post seen by ZED GOSSIP Kaingu urges people to know God and get baptized.

She says God welcomes everyone and people should not feel ashamed based on their past.

Kaingu at the weekend announced joining UCZ stating that she want to start using her social media platforms to spread the word of God.

She wrote;

The Answer is YES- The kingdom of God is welcoming to ALL. Those of you that are so perfect sorry to break it to you, Jesus came to die for US the imperfect. And just to emphasize the point I’m a new creation Christ, I got saved in 2018- I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal savior and I have never looked back. He has made me fearlessly gorgeous In both heart body and spirit.

*fact check ?* Benefits of choosing JESUS

– You will NEVER judge another
– You will no longer live condemned
– You are blameless and Holy
– Your store house will forever be full and running over with provisions !
– You will inherit the kingdom.
– You will have supernatural strength to take on negative energy and vibes.
– You will have clarity of purpose
– You will learn to love your neighbor. etc

So yes! That is probably not the last swimsuit you’ll ever see me in. So just sit back and enjoy God continue to make my life awesome!

Ps: Go and get baptized, join a Good Bible based church like the United church of Zambia and many others and remember to keep God First place. You will never regret it. I love you All