Lusaka City Council to bring down all billboards that will not meet engineering standards


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) says it is through the Engineering Services Department conducting inspections of advertising installations around the city to ascertain their integrity following heavy rains that collapsed several billboards in the City.

According to a posting on its Facebook page, LCC said, under the same exercise it will bring down all advertising structures that will not meet engineering standards.

The local Authority has since urged all advertising agencies to ensure that they conduct inspections of their billboard structures erected across the city, in order to guarantee that they are mounted according to the specifications approved by the council and meet engineering standards.

“Motorists are also advised to avoid parking their vehicles under installations and trees during a heavy downpour as they can be affected by the weather,” the statement read.

“Members of the public should also desist from vandalizing such installations because in the long run the damage caused puts citizens at risk,”.

The Authority further added that it will constitute a team of stakeholders including engineers to try and avert similar occurrences should we be met by heavy rains in future.

It said the cohort will inspect infrastructure and installations around the city to ensure that the standards are not compromised.

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