Lusaka mayor Sampa gives KK ‘Vegeterian’ two village chickens as birthday present


Lusaka mayor Miles Sampa has presented two village chickens to first republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda who is a vegetarian as birthday present.

Other stuff donated include, ducks, guinea fowls, rabbits and a cake.

In a picture seen by ZED GOSSIP, Dr Kaunda can be seen smiling at his present from the mayor.

Dr Kaunda turns 97 today.

He wrote;

Happy Birthday to our founding Father of the Nation Dr Kenneth Buchizya Kaunda.

I took him presents of Masks, 2 Village chickens (1 mukolwe-Male & Female), 2 Nkanga (Guinea Fowls), 2 Ducks, 2 Nkunda and 2 Rabits and 1 lovely Birthday Cake .

“You man I am only 97 years old and I am aiming for 100″.

He was extra jovial today.

On behalf of the residents of Lusaka and those visiting, Happy 97th Birthday KK. We love you dearly and as you always tell us ” May the almighty God protect you always”

Together We Can
MBS28.04.2021, 12hrs