Lusaka pastor abandons heavily pregnant wife, marries sweeter congregant


A pentecostal Papa of Lusaka has abandoned his heavily pregnant wife to marry a sweeter congregant after only seven months of marriage.

Just last October, Pastor Penias Mbewe of Miracle Pool Bedsider Church stood before a parked and unlulating congregation vowing to be with Josephine Mbewe forever, in good times and in bad times.

Soon after the marriage, Pastor Mbewe quickly got to implementing God’s command of filling this earth to the brim and ensured that his wife was the motherly way within weeks.

But before the couple’s child could even be born, Pastor Mbewe was back in front of the church exchanging marital vows with another woman, a congregant of his.

Marrying twice in the same church in a space of seven months was easy for Pastor Mbewe as his spiritual father Pastor O’Brian Kandesha who is the overseer of the congregation was at hand to bless both his marriages.

Pastor Mbewe waited for the day his wife was absent from church to have another marriage blessing.

Finding his new wife Margret Makondo juicier, the Pastor ran to the Matero Local Court to plead that his marriage with Josephine be dissolved immediately.

As for the reasons he was divorcing the woman who is just two months away from delivering him a child, Pastor Mbewe said he could no longer leave with her jealous tendencies and lack of trust in him.

In her submission, Josephine said she still loved the clergyman and would have loved the marriage to continue.

Josephine told the court thar the first few weeks of her marriage was blissful but the union became strained when her husband began spending nights out of the matrimonial home and denying her sex.

She told the court that after an investigation, she discovered that her husband had secretly
married a prayer warrior from her church.

But Pastor Mbewe who was accompanied to court by his spiritual father insisted he wanted to have nothing to do with Josephine.

Handling the case, Magistrate Harriet Mulenga upheld the claim for divorce and ordered that Pastor Mbewe compensate Josephine with K10,000 starting with K2,000 effective this month end and later k1,000 per month.

She also ordered that he maintains her pregnancy with K500 monthly until she delivers.

“What kind of men of God are you? What kind of message do you preach at your church? How can you lie to a woman you married on your own and on top of that, dump her when she is seven months pregnant? And you pastor Kandesha, how can you bless a man twice for marriage despite knowing that he is married? What you have done to this woman is not fair,” said Magistrate Mulenga.

Upon hearing the Magistrate’s sentiments, Pastor Kandesha threw his spiritual son under the bus claiming that was never aware that he was a married man when he was blessing his marriage with the second woman.

CAPTION: Miracle Pool Bedsider Church overseer
Pastor O’Brian Kandesha blessing Pastor Mbewe-s second marriage with prayer warrior Margaret

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba March 14, 2024