Macky 2 Salutes Ruff Kid

Ruff Kid

HipHop artiste and Alpha Entertainments Boss “Macky 2” took it to social media to salute Ruff Kid. The rapper who posted on his Facebook page said Ruff Kid is one of the Greatest Zed Entertainers. He further highlighted many artists have come and go but Ruff Kid is still in the limelight.

“Say What You Want About RuffKid.. But You Can’t Deny He Is 1 Of The Greatest Zed Entertainers To Ever Do It. Many Have Come And Gone.. The Kid Is Still Here. #TaimaTaiwa

Give Respect Were Its Due. I Celebrate You Sir Masauso Nkoma….” He wrote.

Ruff Kid has been receiving social media shade over the years since his departure from XYZ Entertainments which he co-founded alongside Slapdee.

Source: ZedHypeMag