Macky2 collaborates with South Africa’s AKA

AKA and Macky 2

Macky2 collaborates with South Africa’s AKA!

Just after dropping one of his biggest collabo of his music journey “It’s A Pity” with Zambian icon singer Danny Kaya , Macky 2 has landed himself a big International collaboration. Macky 2 who broke through Zambian music industry in 2010 with his popular hit “Mami Niuze” featuring gifted vocalist Afunika has made cross border collaborations with top South African rapper and songwriter.

Zambian rapper and songwriter Macky 2, has a collaborated with South African international music export and rapper AKA. According to our sources they said Kalandaya Music Promotion artist has already shot the video for the song and he’s waiting for the right time to drop the record and the song will be part of his forthcoming album.
Their collabo will be a massive one as the two don’t disappoint their fans though this will be the first time two will be working together. However the joint might come sooner than expect it. We are just hoping that song the song will be released soon.

According to to our sources they said, Marky’s collabo with AKA is at the final touches and will be dropping out this soon and he has two other international collabos one is from South Africa and other is from Nigeria I will not go into dits about that but they will part of his upcoming album “Olijaba” which happens to be his last body of work.

In the year 2021, the KMP star promised his fans that the year 2021 is a year of releasing mostly collaborations and he is working so hard to fulfil his promises. Macky 2 has won a couple of accolades and stamped mega gigs all coming through his music career.

Credit: Zambia Music Blog

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