Malaria patient dies after drinking kachasu


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DESPITE being diagnosed with malaria, one of the known deadly diseases this side of the world, a 68-year-old man of Kapiri Mposhi failed to resist the lure of kachasu but, unfortunately for him, it all ended in tragedy as it led to his death.

Mofya Kangoni’s relatives had pleaded without success for him to take a break from his daily ritual of taking kachasu until he had fully recovered from malaria.

On New Year’s Day, Mr Kangoni is said to have sneaked out as he went to some shops by the roadside near his village to drink.

He was only found dead the following day around 15:00 hours. At the time he sneaked out, he reportedly did not eat anything.

The family doubts there was something in his stomach at the time he embarked on his ritual Zambia Daily Mail