Marriage dream shattered despite blood covenant


Marriage dream shattered despite blood covenant

A 34-year-old woman’s dream of marrying her 29-year-old lover after the two entered into a blood covenant has been shattered follow ing his decision to dump her because of age difference.

To signify their commitment and love for each other, Precious Mwiya and Situmbeko Kabandi last year entered into a blood covenant by having manhood-locking tattoos installed in their inner thighs.

The tattoos, which were cemented with charms, are aimed at preventing the two from having sexual trysts with other people outside their relationship.

But a year into their relationship where they have also been cohabiting, Mwiya has dragged Kabandi to the local court demanding for compensation for wasting her time after he dumped her.

She complained that it was unfair for Kabandi to dump her after they entered into a covenant.

“He is the one who suggested we enter into that covenant because he has trust issues”.

Source: Zambia Daily Mail