Married men are unfaithful Because they are looking for Tight “V*g*na”-former big brother housemate


Huddah echoed says that the reason most married men cheat on their wives is because their vag**as are no longer tight.

The former Big Brother Africa housemate stated this on Instagram while encouraging women to invest in tighteners.

She wrote on her Instagram page;

“Don’t be lied to by haters and skeptics, Your husbands probably left because the va**na ain’t it anymore.

Listen to the skeptics and your whole s*x life is a mess.

Va**ina ages too i’m here to help you keep that relationship or Marriage alive not k**l you . I’ll need your coins again so why k**l. lol!

and by the way lot of married men cheat because they chasing the grip! Lol!

That tight vag**a is life.”