Matero hails police for killing criminal quartet


SEVERAL residents of Lusaka’s Matero Township have heaped praise on the Zambia Police Service for permanently ending the blossoming criminal careers of four youthful delinquents.

The four lads aged between 20 and 30 were painfully removed from the land of the living and handed no return Yango tickets to Chingwere Cemetery by the uncompromising and unsmiling members of the Lusaka Central Police Scorpion team last Friday.

On the fateful day, the Scorpion team was on Zambezi road patrolling Foxdale area where car break-ins and aggravated robberies had become rife.

On noticing a suspicious purple Toyota Ractis with four males aboard, the officers ordered the vehicle to stop but the driver sped off.

After a brief race against a police car , the four occupants decided their feet would help them elude Graphel Musamba’s men faster than their getaway automobile.

It is at this point that scorpion team emptied their AK-47 assault rifle cartridges in the thieving bodies of the four resulting in their death.

Their identities were not immediately clear save for one who had been identified as Gift Musonda.

But somehow, word got around Matero Township that the people killed were members of a local criminal gang who were making for themselves colourful CVs of crime.

On Saturday, a Matero resident, Dismas Phiri posted pictures of the deceased four that belonged to a group called, Matero Legends, with a caption saying, “Another dark cloud has fallen Matero, RIP till we meet again.”

But the caption upset most upset many who reacted angrily in the comment section.

One Matero resident and once upon victim, Jayraw Musampo recounted an incident he was stolen from while thanking the ZP for their job.

“Job well done ba police. On the 20th of February around 02hrs my phone was stolen from my house through the window and the person who stole it was using this email: no doubt the person was connected to these guys. Apart from stealing my phone, the culprit went on to mercilessly borrow money from people within contacts and zamcash and as am typing I haven’t cleared all the debt left behind yet someone out there still has the guts to write kind words and think they didn’t deserve it. Personally, they deserve each bullet,” Musampo wrote.

“Which dark cloud in matero?. You didn’t see the sun, you?. Thieves are just thieves…so what are the rewards of stealing? Given a gold medal? NO! Baba the wages of sin is death…and a bullet is the maiden first prize given to all thieves,”commented another user, Kan anda.

“please spare our thoughts,which dark cloud are you talking about, then you should be investigated these guys were a big clue, the ones who were in the white Toyota markx are still on the run, maybe you can be one of them, these guys were criminals and such society has no place for them kinds..the world is better and safe without these kinds,” Bryan Kanyanta Mwamba wrote.

Another user, Farai Mafuta expressed her disappointment on one of the criminals. “I started grooming this boy with my brother to know to fix vehicles he would come with my young sibling mapalo to know the works but awe niyokaba bakamba like he said mmmmm,” she wrote.

Other users and victims had this to say; “Lekeni balefipaya, ine I don’t care wether I know you Olo not so long you are a kembo I will not praise you, I’m actually one of the people who was once attacked with these guys and left with scars living forever. Ba ZP job well done mwe bantu lesa alemipala lyonse.”…… “Elo the ones that have been killed are small upcoming youths and the masterminds are left behind. Omg may the good lord protect my young brother from the evil generation we are in.”

Another user, Cathy Mwale Chilando had a word of encouragement for the youths. “Fast money kills. Please youths learn from this, let’s just work hard to find pure and clean money through our hard working God will see us through, he said I shall bless the works of your hands, sad development,” she wrote.

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba March 11, 2024

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