Maunga Foundation blesses Kalomo blind couple with a borehole


It was all smiles on the faces of Windy and Charity Mungaila, a blind couple of Kalomo’s Sileu village when they were blessed with a borehole courtesy of the Actor Maunga Foundation.

However, being the woman of the house where most chores are hers to handle, Mrs Mungaila was the most joyous of the couple because all her worries of walking long distances to fetch water in her blind state are now a thing of the past.

Mrs Mungaila who lost her sight years ago when she was in grade 4, could not hide her happiness when the borehole was handed over to the family at their door step.

“Being blind, it was hard for me walking long distances to fetch water as in most cases I would fall down and would have to walk back again to fetch the commodity, but with a borehole brought at my home, all that is a thing of the past,” said a smiley Mrs Mungaila with a beautiful face.

Her Husband Mr Mungaila who lost his sight to an illness at the age of three was equally happy with the gesture by Mr Maunga’s foundation.

Mr Mungaila disclosed that members of the community often looked down on people of his status, but thanked God that Mr Maunga showed that we are all equals.

He said the borehole has brought happiness to the family.

And in handing over the much needed borehole, Mr Maunga said helping one another especially the needy was a core objective of his foundation.

“As the Actor Maunga Foundation, we took it personal to help the Mungailas because we believe God has a reason why he created every person in a particular way and we are all potential victims of blindness. No person is better than the other in the eyes of God but we are all equal,” Mr Maunga said.

Mr Maunga also indicated that his foundation initially wanted to drill a submissive and solar- powered borehole but were compelled to handover the hand pump due to the emergency of the couple’s situation.

“We will in the near future put up the borehole that we wanted but for now we hope this one will help the Mungailas,” Mr Maunga said.

Meanwhile, Mr Maunga disclosed that his foundation is planning to put up 32 boreholes in Kalomo district to help residents with water scarcity owing to the recently experienced droughts.

Mr Maunga added that so far his foundation had handed over one extra borehole in Chifusa ward at Mayobo Primary School with the Maungala’s in Kalonda ward being the Second.