Meet The Togolese Pastor Who Preaches In High Heeled Shoes


Togolese male pastor who wears only ladies footwear especially high heels has explained that it is an explicit direction from God.

The pastor has made many news headlines this week after his weird picture hit the internet; he was rocking high heels.

A lot of people thought the man of God needed urgent psychological support but he is saying everything is fine up there.

According to the ‘high heels’ pastor,God instructed him to do so after years of praying for a cure for unbearable body aches.

He told reporters that he used to wear men’s shoes, but that changed because it was the major cause of his unsual bodily pains.

He is quoted to have said:

‘I wore men’s shoes…but I suffered from it. I have long suffered from illnesses such as body aches and other ailments that numerous medical consultations could not cure.

‘In my prayers, God himself revealed himself to me and advised me to wear these shoes that you see…since then I’ve been running it 24/7, my pain is gone.

‘I don’t wear women’s clothes like people have said on social media but I wear all kinds of shoes, according to the calling I received.’