Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Chipoka Mulenga, has paid tribute to manufacturers in Zambia for their resilience during the climate-induced energy crisis.

In a speech delivered on his behalf by Crusivia Hichikumba, Permanent Secretary – Industrialisation and Investment at the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, during the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) Gala and Awards Ceremony in Lusaka, the Cabinet Minister observed that the event marked the culmination of a month-long series of activities aimed at promoting and recognizing excellence in manufacturing.

Mr. Mulenga congratulated ZAM for successfully hosting the event and for their efforts throughout the year.

“It is time to celebrate companies that, like other sectors, have shown resilience and innovation in the face of challenges,” he stated.

The Commerce Minister emphasized the importance of promotional activities in navigating the current energy crisis and other obstacles facing the sector.

He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting the manufacturing sector.

“The government, through the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, is dedicated to providing support and maintaining a favorable business environment. We are committed to fostering a conducive investment climate that allows the sector to flourish and grow into competitive enterprises,” Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga also highlighted the exceptional performance of companies producing high-quality products and services that have gained recognition both regionally and internationally.

“This evening is a momentous occasion to honor those who have excelled in value addition and have set new benchmarks in the industry,” he noted.

The Minister called on agencies, the private sector, and partners to continue their robust support for investment, trade, and industrial development.

“Partnerships are crucial for driving change and ensuring sustainable growth in the manufacturing sector,” he said.

At the same same function, USAID Southern Africa Regional Director, Mary Gounder, urged Zambian manufacturers to increase exports by taking advantage of opportunities such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to the USA.

Ms. Gounder emphasized that by increasing exports, manufacturers create opportunities for Zambian firms to excel in the international market.

She expressed hope that soon, USAID can proudly say that Zambian products are successfully exported to the US and South Africa.

She highlighted that USAID’s focus is on ensuring companies improve their quality and production levels.

The USAID Official said this, in turn, will make their products more competitive, allowing them to generate more revenue and create numerous jobs.

Ms. Gounder mentioned that USAID has several initiatives aimed at connecting Zambian companies with US entities, providing technical assistance, and offering information and awareness on the requirements to enter the US market.

She stressed that increasing exports is not just about sending products to South Africa or the US; it’s about tapping into growth potential and ensuring that Zambian companies can compete on a global scale.

Ms. Gounder also thanked the Zambia Association of Manufacturers for their collaboration and efforts in making these initiatives a reality.

Meanwhile, Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) President Ashu Sagar expressed gratitude to the Association’s partners and stakeholders, particularly highlighting the contributions of USAID and First Quantum Minerals.

“USAID has been a critical partner in developing capacity within the manufacturing industry,” Mr. Sagar noted.

He also praised First Quantum Minerals for their substantial local purchases, amounting to $1.6 billion, with 44% sourced from Zambian-owned companies.

“These proactive steps demonstrate what true partnerships are about – driving change and being part of the solution,” he added.

Mr. Sagar underscored the importance of these partnerships in building a foundation for future growth and innovation.

“Without our sponsors and well-wishers, we would not see the driving agenda for success in our industry. Together, we have forged partnerships that will ensure market access becomes a reality,” he said.

As the manufacturing sector in Zambia continues to face challenges such as power supply issues and regulatory hurdles, Sagar remains optimistic.

“The future of manufacturing in Zambia is bright. We must be focused on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We have been challenged by power, regulations, and market dynamics, but our resilience and innovation will drive us forward,” he said.

This is contained in a statement issued by ZAM Chief Executive Officer Muntanga Lindunda.

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