Mum killer found with charms around manhood


The family of a 28-year-old man of Chongwe who killed his biological mother aged 56 and later burnt her body has linked his action to rituals after he was discovered with charms wrapped around his manhood.

Police discovered the charms wrapped around Joshua Bwalya’s manhood in the presence of his family.
The suspect’s sister, Amanda Bwalya, said the fetish object included beads, small pieces of red and black cloths, a small piece of their mother’s chitenge material and different heads of dolls.

Ms Bwalya said the charm was removed from his swollen manhood at the police station in Chongwe.

“Upon removal of the charms, Joshua quickly started apologising for what he had done. But he claimed he killed a dog and not our mother. He insisted that she had gone for a business trip and eNews Daily Mail | Without Fear Or Favour (