Mwizukanji reveals “YoMaps was a cheat, irresponsible drunkard”


Music artist YoMaps has been exposed by his ex-lover Mwizukanji, after the superstar allegedly posted something awful on his social media platforms.

A video monitored by ZED GOSSIP, on Facebook Mwizukanji spoke to Aunt Milly in a live video where she revealed that Yomaps was a very irresponsible man who used to spend most of his times partying and drinking. She further said Yomaps was a cheat and who used to have naked pictures of girls in his phone but opted to remain quite to protect the image of the man who paid bride price.

She says she was astonished when Yomaps music manager lashed out at her on social media stating that all the problems her [Mwizukanji] and Yomaps were caused by her.

An emotional Mwizukanji couldn’t hold by disclosing that even house rentals it was her who used to pay adding that Yomaps could not even have the time to come and visit child while in Lusaka.

She further expressed dismay at the levels of bullying she received from Yomaps fans when he made a post which many say injured her feelings.

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