NO HERBS IN SEX…there are other ways you can spice up your sex life – Dr Macha


NO HERBS IN SEX…there are other ways you can spice up your sex life – Dr Macha
THERE are other ways you can spice up your sex life without risking your life, says consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Sweeby Macha.
In an interview, Dr Macha said there were other ways of tightening the vagina muscles that do not involve inserting harmful objects.
He said snuff tobacco popularly known as insunko was usually used by some women to derive sexual pleasure.
Snuff tobacco is a type of smokeless tobacco that is made of finely ground or shredded tobacco leaves.
Dr Macha observed that there was a perception that it was used to warm bodies and tighten the vagina muscles.
“So, the main route of intake apart from the usual snuffing through the mouth, they tend to insert it in their genitals or private parts. So, this in itself has been found to be a harmful practice. Why is it harmful? It is because of its composition,” he said.
Dr Macha, who is also national coordinator of obstetrician and gynaecology and president of the Zambia Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (ZAGO), said insunko mainly like other tobacco products has nicotine as the main content.
“Nicotine is a carcinogen drug; meaning it has been implicated in many cancers. Talking of throat cancer, oral or mouth because some of it is chewed or put under the tongue that can predispose to changes to the lining cells of the mouth or the throat leading to abnormal growth of cells and leading to cancer,” Dr Macha added.
He said there was the same effect in the private part of the female where tobacco is perceived that when it is inserted, it keeps the vaginal muscles tight and warm.
Dr Macha explained that insunko could also cause a change to the lining of the private part in females and lead to even cervical cancer which is one of the commonest cancers in females.
“So, it’s a dangerous practice which should not be encouraged but discouraged. We always caution women that there are many ways of tightening your muscles, key is what we call Kegel exercises. Any instructor in the gym or physiotherapist will be able to take you through what is involved but principally we can also advise on individual level …where you hold your urine while you are urinating that in itself is a very effective way of tightening … holding the urine while passing it,” he said. “When you go to pass urine, you hold, release, it is a very key exercise to maintain your pelvis floor muscles without going to the gym. So, other ones I mentioned are the Kegel exercises. In simplified language they involve tightening the muscles of the pelvic, you can do that by even squatting. I think those are done in the gyms… there are other exercises in the gym which work principally to tighten the pelvic floor muscles but I have already given you a simpler one of holding the urine.”
On drinking and inserting things to keep the body warm, Dr Macha said what is important in any relationship is just the feeling of love to that person.
“The rest of the feel good hormones are released, endorphins which make one to be excited and the rush of adrenaline will actually contribute to your feel good. You don’t actually need to use these herbs to have that feeling,” Dr Macha explained further.
He explained that cervical cancer was the most common gynaecology cancer “in this part southern Africa”.
Dr Macha said there was healthy bacteria in the vagina altered by the chemical the woman used, “so it predisposed to vagina infections and ulcers”.
“It’s actually the number one commonest. Some of these habits could be the drivers especially that insuko contains nicotine which is a well-known driver of cancer. Apart from that frequent use, it will also alter the normal composition of the private parts of the female. So that can lead to infections like vagina thrash because you are introducing a chemical in the genitals,” he cautioned. “So, it’s not only cancer … because of the ulceration, STIs are easily transmissible like HIV, you have gonorrhea, syphilis because of ulcers that develop using this nicotine-containing insuko. What we usually do especially in gyno-clinics or during screening as you are aware cervical cancer screening is free, we always caution them against such practices. All women of reproductive age we actually capture them for cervical cancer screening. It’s during such times that counseling is offered on discouraging bad practices, one of which is this same insuko which tends to increase the risk of cervical cancer.”
Dr Macha advised sexual partners to agree on the methods of tightening the vagina.
He said using tobacco to do so should be discouraged by both men and women.
“… it’s a two-way thing. If it’s the man who is demanding that the woman be hot, be tight they need to understand that it should not go to the extent of risking that woman’s health. There are other ways you can spice up your sex life without risking your life. If you love someone, just being with them should set that excitement in you. You don’t need to use herbs,” said Dr Macha. “But men are supposed to avoid pushing women to… I don’t know whether they push, but if they do then it should be discouraged in both genders. It’s not a good practice. The same way we are discouraging practices like female genital mutilation, it’s not good for anyone. Even the men complain of pain so why perpetuate such practices? So, it should be a two-way [thing], so once the men are sensitised they will be champions discouraging women from this.”
Credit: The Mast