NSCZ Briefing, Way forward for the disqualified candidates

Martin Akende

48 hours after the announcement of validly nominated candidates for the 2025 FAZ elective annual general meeting later next month in Livingstone by the Electoral Committee Chairperson Ronald Hatoongo, there is a lot of misinformation and propaganda by a click of few individuals.

First the briefing by the National Sports Council of Zambia NSCZ.

The National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) should know it limits and boundaries to avoid the potential consequences of government interference in football governance.
The statement made by the NSCZ, which sets a deadline of 28 February 2025 to stop recognizing the current Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) administration, is a clear indication of government interference.

As an independent entity, FAZ is affiliated to the FIFA and the Confederation of African Football (CAF). The NSCZ, on the other hand, is a government agency responsible for overseeing sports development in Zambia.

However, the NSCZ has no authority to recognize or derecognize FAZ, as this falls under the purview of FIFA. The FIFA Constitution is clear on the importance of independence in football governance. Article 14, paragraph 1, states that “each member association shall manage its affairs independently and with no influence from third parties.” The NSCZ’s threat to stop recognizing the current FAZ administration is a blatant disregard for this principle.

Furthermore, the proper channels for resolving disputes related to football governance are clearly outlined in the FIFA Constitution. Aggrieved parties should submit their complaints to FIFA, rather than the NSCZ. FIFA has a well-established dispute resolution process, which ensures that all parties are heard and that decisions are made in accordance with the FIFA Constitution and regulations.

The actions of the NSCZ are not only a violation of FIFA’s principles but also pose a significant risk to Zambia’s football future. If Zambia is found to be in breach of FIFA’s rules and regulations, the country may face sanctions, including a possible ban from international football competitions.


FAZ elections are guided by the FAZ constitution, FAZ electoral code and the elections guidelines as provided for. We find it strange that people are failing to follow simple rules yet they want to manage sports.

According the 2025 FAZ elections qualifications for nominations of candidate’s guidelines general provisions “candidates for the elections or re-elections as FAZ Officials shall be nominated and seconded by the Member Association or Member club and shall be sent to the FAZ general secretary before the nomination closing date as stated in the road map”

This is very clear; affiliate clubs and associations are the only entities that can nominate a candidate. Anyone else besides this you are out.

Another critical provision in the elections’ qualifications for the nominations of candidates is and I quote: “An official nomination form, duly completed and signed by the Member’s Presidents/ Chairman and Secretary, of the proposing Member Club or member Association shall be sent to the General Secretary. On receipt of the nomination form, the General Secretary shall acknowledge receipt and submit it to the relevant Judicial bodies in line with the constitution for other procedures.”

Here, it is very clear who nominates a candidate, an official nomination form, duly completed and signed by the Member’s PRESIDENTS/ CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY.

Only three are mandated to do this role unless there is an express written instruction for any other junior official to perform this role.

Even during bye elections or general elections an adoption certificate is dully signed by the political party president and secretary general or chairman who appears at the Registrar of Societies. You can’t have a district chairman sign an adoption certificate unless there is a written instruction from the party. This is clear and no form of propaganda can change this.

In addition to the general rules here are the qualifications for the office bearers on the FAZ executive committee.

I. For a person to be elected as an Executive Member of FAZ they shall be required to have at least 5 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE in a leadership position for a Member of FAZ, 3 YEARS OF WHICH SHALL AT LEAST BE WITHIN THE 10 YEARS immediately preceding the elections. (Article 33 (5) of the FAZ Constitution)

II. The members of the FAZ regions shall be elected by the respective regions in accordance with the FAZ statutes. For a candidate to be eligible for elections at regional level, they shall be Zambian citizen resident in the respective region and at the time representing or being nominated by a club that is domiciled in the region that they wish to stand for election in. (Article 26 (6) of the FAZ Constitution)

III. For the election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and members of all other bodies of FAZ, the candidate(s) who receive(s) the most votes in respect of the free seat(s) shall be elected. (Article 16 (8) of the FAZ Constitution)

IV. The Governance and Review Committee shall conduct ELIGIBILITY CHECKS in respect of candidates and incumbent members of the FAZ EXCO, Regional EXCO and other judicial bodies in accordance with the FAZ statutes. (Article 33 (2) of the FAZ Constitution)

From this clearly you can see that one needs 5 years’ experience in a leadership position for a MEMBER of FAZ, 3 years of which shall at least be within the 10 years IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING the elections.

If you are not a member of an association/club which is a member of FAZ (verifiable in the FAZ system) you don’t qualify and stop wasting people’s time. Even an appeal here won’t work.

Someone has brought another argument citing article 8 clause 3 of the FAZ Electoral Code, provides as follows: –
” Within two days of the deadline for submission of the candidatures, the Electoral Committee shall inform in writing those candidates who have failed to provide ALL THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS in support of their CANDIDATURES and grant them another three days to complete their applications. If the relevant candidates fail to COMPLETE THEIR APPLICATION within the prescribed deadline, their candidatures shall be declared invalid”

So this provision is talking about missing documents if a candidate fails to provide all relevant documents. It doesn’t talk about if a case where you have provided all documents but they are not CORRECT DOCUMENTS.

There was no candidate disqualified because of missing documents or insufficient documentation. This argument is deceitful and doesn’t stand. Let a candidate who was disqualified because of missing document come forward.


Therefore, NSCZ threat falls short and should be ignored. The affected candidates should use the proper channels to appeal their cases. Appeals committee will review their cases and respond accordingly. If not happy with the outcome they are free to go as far FIFA. Going to court at this stage, it means Andrew Kamanga led executive will be in office longer. Remember we were supposed to have elections in 2020 but because of the same politicking election took place in 2021. We are back at it.

FAZ constitution
Electoral code
Electoral guidelines
Chris Chinamora

Author: Martin Akende
Football governance expert
Media and communications consultant