President Lungu to go into the PF General Conference as Sole Candidate

President Edgar Lugu

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila says no one has filed in for PF Presidency other than President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who officially filed in his party Presidency nomination papers at the Patriotic Front (PF) Party Secretariat in Lusaka yesterday. The PF had set Wednesday and Thursday 08:00 hours to 17:00 hours as days for members to apply for the party Presidency.

The party started receiving applications yesterday from those that wanted to contest at the General Conference in line with the PF Constitution. PF Secretary General Davies Mwila announced that anyone who wanted to stand as President needed to submit a letter of application to the Secretary General of the party from Wednesday to Thursday 17:00 hours.

The Secretary General said PF remained a democratic party and as such people were free to contest any position in the party adding that he was receiving the applications on behalf of the Party President.

And Vice President Inonge Wina has filed in nomination papers at the PF Secretariat in Lusaka today as she desired to be a PF Member of the Central Committee (MCC).
Mrs. Wina explained that she wanted to be part of the leaders that would preserve the legacy of the PF founded by late President Michael Sata and carried on by President Edgar Lungu. She commended PF Secretary General Davies Mwila and his team for holding the ruling party together.

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila explained that the position of Runningmate was a preserve of the President.

Meanwhile the PF yesterday lifted suspensions on all members that were in good standing with the Party as at 28th February, 2021. In a statement yesterday, PF National Chairperson Samuel Mukupa said the affected members must now be deemed as eligible delegates and be allowed to participate in the National Council and General Conference, respectively.

Lusaka Times