Food Security Pack (FSP) beneficiaries in Sikongo District of Western Province have received assorted agricultural equipment worth over K440,000.

The beneficiaries still have K200,000 in the recoveries account under the programme, which is a conditional grant requiring a 10 per cent payback from their harvest after getting agricultural support in the form of fertilizer and seed from the government.

Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has since handed over the procured equipment, which includes 103 oxen ploughs,13 domestic hammermills for maize and rice, 5 ox-drawn harrows, 14 backpack sprayers and 2 treadle pumps.

Western Province Permanent Secretary, Mr Simomo Akapelwa, is delighted with the positive life-changing impact of the programme on the district and the nation at large.

He said the New Dawn administration is alive to the prevailing drought situation and has continued to put several mitigation measures to promote food security at household, community, and national levels as evidenced by the Wetlands Cropping Programme among others.

He therefore appreciated the beneficiaries for their participation in such programmes to enhance food production activities in their respective communities.

Mr Simomo said this in a speech read on his behalf by Sikongo District Commissioner, Mr Henry Mwalye during the handover ceremony in Sikongo District.

And Director for Community Development, Mrs Patricia Muyamwa, appreciated the payback efforts by beneficiaries, which she said enhances self-sustainability and supplements the government’s efforts of promoting food security.

Mrs Muyamwa also amplified the need for stakeholder involvement and support towards the Emergency Wetlands Cropping sub-programme, which is earmarked to benefit 42,400 beneficiaries in Western Province.