Slapdee Pleads With The Disciplinary Committee To Vote For Him At AFRIMMA

Slap Dee

Zambia’s Hip Hop giant Slapdee is once again nominated at the AFRIMMA in the Best Male Category Southern Africa, this time alongside Macky 2 and Towela Kaira.

We if we all remember the XYZ founder was nominated last year for the same award in the same category but later withdrew his nomination because some Zambians who call themselves “DISCIPLINARY COMMITEE” refused to vote for him because of his involvement in the Political songs for the PF unless he apologized.

Well he did apologize and he is back now asking for the “DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE” to vote for him.

He Wrote

Ba disciplinary shani shani I come in peace! Don’t shoot the messenger. Vote here ~>

PS: I still haven’t received my certificate of attendance.

Lets all put our differences aside and click on the link to vote for all the our artist who are nominated. After all its for our country