State Functions

Dickson Jere

By Dickson Jere

When President Levy Mwanawasa, SC passed, he left a valid Last Will and Testament. One of his wishes in that Will was to be buried at his Palabana Farm. But after his death, the State decided to create a Presidential burial site opposite Cabinet Office where he is buried. The State took over the show by virtue of him being Head of State. Despite him being Baptist- at Twinpalm Congregation – Church Service was at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross where most State functions take place in Zambia.

Our founding President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda passed. His family demanded that he should be buried at his New Kasama home next to his dear wife Mama Betty Kaunda. Others suggested that his wishes were to be buried next to his parents in Chinsali. Despite the family demands, the State moved in and buried him at the Presidential burial site in Lusaka. The family even attempted Court action to stop the State but to no avail. Even though he was a putative UCZ – St Paul Congregation – his funeral service was at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

President Michael Sata died in office. He was a devout Catholic. His official funeral service was held at the Heroes stadium on account of crowds. To allow ordinary people to mourn him as he was the man of the people – we were told. This was one of the few times that the Presidential State funeral service was moved to the stadium and not another Church.

Rupiah Banda – had he not been President – wanted to be buried at his Chasimpha Farm in Chipata where his parents and siblings are buried. But he made it clear as President that he would respect the State wishes as he was the one who presided over the change of burial site for his predecessor Mwanawasa against his wishes in the Will. When he passed, I was one of those who traveled to Chipata to attend the traditional funeral rites.
It was hot! The family (traditionalists) demanded for his body and that his burial was expected to be at his farm. It took the former parliamentarian Lucus Phiri to explain how the family lost control to the State the moment their son became “State Property” by accepting to be President. They reluctantly accepted.
By the way, Rupiah Banda was Anglican and Cathedral was his home Church – so no issues.

President Frederick Chiluba was a well known Pentecostal. When he passed, his Church service was held at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross. The service was done by his Pentecostal Bishop but the venue.

And so, the memorial services for President Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Banda have all been held at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross except for Sata that took place at St Ignitius Catholic Church in Lusaka.

In short, the Cathedral is place where Zambia holds most of its State functions by convention even other national day commemorations.

As for memorials, It was also decided by policy that once a President dies, the State will only organise two memorial functions – the 1st and 10th – while the family can do whatever events they want in the interim and forever more.

In short, when you become President, you and your family lose certain rights and privileges to the State.
It is what it is!

Anyway, Church is not even the building…

All the conundrum can and will only be resolved when we come up with a Statute governing the funeral and memorials of our leaders in different categories.